EventBuilder's Virtual Events and Webinar Tips & Tricks

Yes, We're Open

Written by Karen Mares | March 14, 2020

As you know, the last few weeks have been filled with uncertainty. As such, it's important to us at EventBuilder to convey to our customers that, as a cloud-based, all-virtual company, we are open for business and committed to maintaining the same level of dedication and service as always.

At the Ready

Because we are an all-remote workforce, we have what we need to support you already in place and are prepared to help your transition to virtual meetings, webinars, and events. 

Additionally, we are offering clients assistance with user training for Microsoft Teams and Skype for Business as companies are moving their staff to remote work. We use Teams and Skype for Business daily, so if your team needs help adapting to virtual meetings, presentations, and collaborating we are happy to share our expertise with you.

Free Webinars:

Sign up to attend a live AMA-style webinar led by one of our virtual meeting experts where Attendees can have their questions answered in an easy-to-understand format.

Free 20-Minute Consult:

If your situation is unique and you would like to schedule a one-on-one with us, we'd be happy to guide you to a solution that fits your needs. Visit our Transition Training page and let us know when to reach out and book an appointment.

Customized User Training Packages

Schedule a time for us to help you create a custom transition package. This is an excellent option for staff who are new to Microsoft Teams or Skype for Business and need some guidance. We'll build training around your needs. Let us know what you need by visiting our Transition Training page.

Reach Out

We're ready to partner with you and help make your virtual events a seamless experience for you, your attendees, and your company. Contact us to schedule a consultationExternal Link: Contact Us to Book a Consultation. today!