Your 2021 (Virtual Events) New Year's Resolutions

We all make them: New Year's Resolutions. Raise your hand if you've ever made the classic, "I'm going to get in shape!" resolution. (Me too.) Let's spin those old cliché resolutions and give them a virtual-event focus. Put down the remote, turn off your binge viewing of the original Die Hard movie (c'mon - admit it), and buckle up. Yippee ki yay, we're goin' in.

New Year's (Virtual Event) Resolutions

Let's give your 2021 New Year's Resolutions a virtual-events spin and some concrete plans for standing out in a crowded field.

Get (Your Background) Organized

Most advice surrounding the old "get organized" resolution tells you, "start with a manageable task." Here's one for you: clean up the stuff behind you in your webcam view. Get a room divider, invest in good lighting, and show off your professional side.

Get (Your Internet) in Shape

With so many virtual-event options to choose from, attendees have upped their expectations: technically flawless event delivery. Slow, glitchy, dropped connections? Say goodbye to your lead. Take a look at what high-speed and reliable internet services are available in your area and get your connection humming.

Break Up With Your Deadbeat (Hosting Platform) Significant Other

"It's not me, it's you." Is your event tech just not cutting it? You know — it's complicated, hard to implement, and sucking the life out of your event programming? You're towing an anchor and it's time to move on. Find better, easier, and more reliable event technology.

Make Smarter (Equipment) Investments

Invest in yourself with a new microphone and headset to sound your best and hear everything. With the rollout of an AI noise-cancelling feature in Teams, now's a good time to take advantage of the boost and master your delivery.

Lose the (Webinar) Weight

Drop the webinar poundage weighing down your event programming. Take a look at your 2020 analytics and assess what's working and what isn't. Keep your high-performers, and drop the ones that are tanking.

Commit to Recycling (Your Recorded Events and Webinars)

Take that live event and upcycle it with automatic cloud recording and hosting. You won't even have to sort it for curbside pickup. Extend the life of your recorded events and give attendees the flexibility to watch on their schedule.

Learn a New (Virtual Event Planning) Skill

You're in luck! We can help. As virtual event offerings become more complex and the demand increases, you may need to set up a virtual conference. Learn how at our free webinar on Jan 28th: Virtual Conference Planning 101: How to Produce Your First Virtual Conference in 2021. Join EventBuilder's experienced event professionals as they share their knowledge and give you the tools you need for virtual conference success. 

Spend More Time With Friends and Family

(By Outsourcing Event Management and Production To Us)

Don't we all want to create more room in our lives for the people who matter most? Give yourself the gift of time by letting us take the registration, tech, data security/privacy, and in-event support off your plate. Contact us and start 2021 off right with your virtual events resolutions right now.